- Date: 2025-01-03
v-Learning MO Program
2024-25 School Calendar
2024 - 25 School Calendar
- Date: 2024-12-30
MC Open Day
- Date: 2024-12-17
2024 Back-To-School Free Assessment
For the new school year of 2024, MathConcept is offering Back-To-School Free Diagnostic Assessments (valued at $200) for new enrollments. Parents will receive a professional assessment report and learning plan to have a full picture of their child's learning progress, hence helping them to achieve better results!
K1-S6 Diagnostic Assessment
The assessment tests students' existing knowledge and understanding of the future school year topics, including arithmetic, geometry and space, data handling, measurement, and word problems. It also observes their learning attitude and progress in number sense.
Detailed Assessment Report
Parents will receive a detailed assessment report outlining the child's strengths and weaknesses in various areas.
Professional Report Analysis
Our instructors will provide a detailed analysis of the assessment results, helping parents understand their child's learning challenges.
Personalized Learning Plan
Our instructors will offer solutions tackling student's weaknesses and create a personalized learning plan based on the child's performance in mathematical concepts, application skills, and number senses.
Enrollment Benefits
New students who enroll in *specified courses can enjoy the following:
- Free diagnostic assessment ($200)
- Registration fee waived ($100)
- Free 2024-25 Academic Desk Calendar
Buddy Discount
- Both enrollments will receive a $300 MathConcept Coupon!
Please WhatsApp 2788 1188 to schedule your free "Back-to-School Assessment." Availability is limited, and appointments will be scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis. (For center locations, visit: https://mathconcept.com/tc/center.php)
*Specified Course:
- Little First Steps
- First Steps
- MC Kindergarten Math Olympiad
- Local Primary & Secondary Program
- MC Math Olympiad
- International Primary & Secondary Program
- Public Exam Program
- MC Online Program
MathConcept X eGG Optical Limited-time Promotion:
(For details, please refer to the terms and conditions of the "eGG Optical Corporate Student Offer")
Terms and Condition for 2024 Back-To-School Free Assessment
Please refer to Chinese Version
- Date: 2024-08-09
NEW! Sudoku Course
對象:升讀K2 – P6學生
費用:$1000 / 4堂
課程名額有限,立即 WhatsApp 2788 1188 了解詳情!
- Date: 2024-05-01
2024 Summer Promotion
We are offering the following for new enrollments during the promotion period:
- Free Diagnostic Assessment (Worth $200)
- Registration Fee Waived (Worth $100)
- Receive $300 MathConcept Coupon
- Special Edition Rubik’s Cube (Worth $100)
- Early Bird Promotion - Enroll on or before 15th June to enjoy an extra $100 discount
By enrolling to one of the summer packages, current students will receive:
- $300 MathConcept Coupon
- Special Edition Rubik’s Cube (Worth $100)
- Extra discount on add-on regular lessons (only applicable to package A,B and C)
(Suitable for New Enrollemts and Current Student)
Regular Course
Suitable for: K1 – F6 students
Fee: Enjoy discount by enrolling to 12 or more lessons
Math Olympiad Course
Suitable for: K1 – F6 students
Fee: $1500 / 6 lessons (Only available in Chinese)
NEW! Sudoku Course
Suitable for: K1 – F6 students
Fee: $1000 / 4 lessons (Only available in Chinese)
(Suitable for New Enrollemts and Current Student)
Enjoy extra discount on add-on regular lessons by enrolling to Summer Package A, b or C:
Terms and Condition for 2024 Summer Promotion
Please refer to Chinese Version
- Date: 2024-05-01
2024 New Center Promotion
To celebrate the grand opening of Mei Foo, Lei Cheng Uk and Lok Fu centers, they are offering the following for new enrollments during the promotion period:
- Free Diagnostic Assessment
- Registration Fee Waived
- Enroll in "Regular Program" to Enjoy First Month Free!
- Early Bird Promotion: $300 Tuition Coupon (Before specified date)
Above offers can be used in conjunction with 2024 Back-To-School Promotion (click HERE for details). Call/Whatsapp a center for more details now!
Mei Foo Center - 【Now Open】
Address: Shop 87B & 87C Podium Floor, Stage 3 Broadway ,Mei Foo Sun Chuen, Lai Chi Lok, Kowloon.
Whatsapp: https://wa.me/85231881690
**Early Bird Promotion Period is over
Lei Cheng Uk Center - 【Now Open】
Address: Shop 304, 3/F., Lei Cheng Uk Shopping Centre, Lei Cheng Uk Estate, Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon.
Phone: 31508040
**Early Bird Promotion Period is over
Lok Fu Center - 【Now Open】
Address: SHOP 3166, 3/F., Lok Fu Place, 198 Junction Road, Wang Tau Hom, Kowloon.
Whatsapp: https://wa.me/85237933361
**Early Bird Promotion Period is over
Kai Tak Center - 【Now Open】
Address: Shop No. PSG-301b on Level 3 of Public Sports Ground within Kai Tak Sports Park at Kai Tak, Kowloon City District, Hong Kong
**Early Bird Promotion Period is over
Please refer to Chinese version for terms and conditions.
- Date: 2024-04-30
新生報讀「常規課程」即減$700,高達 $1500 學費優惠
新生於優惠期間於葵芳分校報讀 MathConcept 課程,即可享以下優惠:
- 免費學前評估 (價值$200)
- 豁免報名費 (價值$100)
- 送$300學費禮券
- 報讀一期16堂「常規課程」即減$400 #ii
- 報讀「MC奧數證書課程」即減$200 #iii
- 報讀一期8堂「常規課程」即減$100 #iv
地址:葵芳興芳路177號葵芳廣場1樓134號舖(星期一至六 9AM - 7PM)
電話:+852 2180 6115
Whatsapp:+852 2180 6115
- Little First Steps 幼兒常規課程(對象:PN - K1學生)
- First Steps 幼稚園中(對象:K2 - K3學生)
- 香港小學至初中常規課程(對象:P1 - F3學生)
- 國際學校小學至初中常規課程(對象:G1 - G9學生)
- 公開考試課程(對象:HKDSE/GCSE學生)
- MC幼兒奧數證書課程(對象:K2 - K3學生)
- MC奧數證書課程(對象:P1- F1學生)
i. 優惠有效期為2024年3月1日至2024年4月30日,限有效期內首100名MathConcept新生(從未於任何MathConcept分校報讀及/或申請報讀的學生)使用優惠,每名學生只限使用一次。
ii. 報讀任何級別常規課程 (16堂;每堂一小時),學費即減$400,再送一張$300學費禮券(適用於下期學費減免,i禮券受有關條款及細則約束)。
iii. 報讀任何級別MC奧數證書課程(限基礎、進階或競賽階段課程),學費即減$200,再送一張$300學費禮券(適用於下期學費減免,i禮券受有關條款及細則約束)。
iv. 報讀任何級別常規課程 (8堂;每堂一小時),學費即減$100,再送一張$300學費禮券(適用於下期學費減免,i禮券受有關條款及細則約束)。
v. 所有以此優惠報讀的課堂(包括加送的課堂),必須於[常規課程/MC奧數證書課程]第一堂課的 [ 60天 / 90 天 ] 內完成。
vi. 此優惠不可與其他優惠、折扣或學費禮券同時使用。
vii. 此優惠不能兌換現金、其他貨品或折扣、亦不可轉讓。
viii. 優惠適用於香港葵芳MathConcept分校,並受個別分校有關條款及細則約束,詳情請向分校職員查詢。
ix. 每名新生每項課程優惠只限使用一次。
x. 本校保留隨時更改或終止上述優惠及更改上述任何條款及細則之權利。
- Date: 2024-03-01
SSPA Intensive Course
呈分試是教育局用作決定學生升中派位組別的考試,學生從五年級下學期起,校內成績便會列入呈分試的計算範圍內,對同學們日後升讀心儀中學至為關鍵。 同學們們必須預早為此挑戰作好準備。
MathConcept 分別提供實體和網上「呈分試精讀班」!課堂分為兩部份,包括模擬考試和重點解題。學生在限時內完成模擬試卷,熟習考試模式,減少因臨場過度緊張所犯的失誤;再由資深導師批改並抽取重點試題講解,教授答題技巧,分析常犯錯誤;幫助大家為呈分試作好準備、爭取優異成績、升讀心儀中學!
專業擬題 – 多份模擬試卷(連答案)由MathConcept課程發展組按教育局呈分試要求編制,題種多元化以加強學生的解題能力。
導師批卷 – 學生在限時內完成模擬試卷,再由專業導師批改及抽取重點試題講解。
應答竅門 – 針對不同類型的問題,指出不同問題的應答技巧,讓學生取得更高分數。
分析常犯錯誤 – 指出學生常犯錯誤,幫助學生及早準備。
時間掌握 – 教授學生如何分配時間,熟習考試模式,減少因臨場過度緊張所犯的失誤。
因材施教 – 配合MathConcept小學常規課程,根據學生弱項加以講解及加強操練,可達致最佳學習效果,幫助學生爭取佳績!
隨時重溫 – 隨時重溫課堂錄影,讓學生隨時隨地彈性學習。(只適用於呈分試精讀班Online!)
1. 學生在限時內完成模擬試卷 (限時50分鐘)
2. 導師即時批改試卷、分析學生強弱項
3. 抽取重點試題講解,教授答題技巧,分析常犯錯誤
4. 派發試卷答案,方便學生在家溫習
開班日期: 10月(六上) 和2月(六下) 、5月(五下)
課程費用:$1400 / 4堂, $1800 / 6堂
$1200 / 4堂, $1500 / 6堂 (常規課程學生方可以此優惠價報讀)
鴨脷洲海怡半島 | 北角馬寶道 | 太古康怡花園 | 筲箕灣愛東商場 | 柴灣青年廣場 | 九龍灣德福大廈 | 藍田麗港城 | 鑽石山荷里活廣場 | 紅磡黃埔花園 | 葵芳廣場 | 沙田連城廣場 | 大圍田心 | 火炭銀禧薈 | 石門京瑞廣場 | 馬鞍山中心 | 大埔廣場 | 屯門栢麗廣場 | 元朗中心 | 天水圍嘉湖 | 寶琳新都城
網上課程「呈分試精讀班Online! 」
1. 收到六份呈分試模擬試卷(連答案)
2. 在家自行完成模擬試卷(限時50分鐘)
3. 於指定時限傳回已完成的試卷
4. 導師親自批改試卷、分析學生強弱項
5. 60分鐘網上課堂:學習答題技巧、了解一般學生常犯錯誤及分析如何分配時間
6. 於時限內隨時重溫課堂錄影
開班日期:10月(六上) 和2月(六下) 、5月(五下)
課程費用:$1600 / 6堂
上課時間:每週兩堂,每堂60分鐘,請聯絡網上分校查詢最新上課時間表。歡迎家長為3位或以上學生自由組班,請致電或Whatsapp 35794543 查詢。
查詢: https://wa.me/85235794543?text=想了解有關呈分試精讀班
- Date: 2023-09-30
2023-24 School Calendar
- Date: 2023-09-01
BTS Free Assessment
新學年即將來臨, MathConcept 將為莘莘學子免費提供「新學年數學評估」乙次(價值$200),家長可即時取得專業評估報告,全面了解孩子的學習狀況,在新學年中取得更好的成績!
- K2-S3 專業數學評估
- 詳細評估報告
- 分析及解讀結果
- 個人化學習計劃
- 即日報讀優惠
評估當日報讀*指定課程的新生更可獲豁免報名費(價值$100)及獲贈2023-24 Academic Calendar乙個。
- 二人同行優惠
立即 WhatsApp 2788 1188 預約免費「新學年數學評估」,名額有限,先到先得! (分校地點:https://mathconcept.com/tc/center.php)
- Little First Steps 幼兒常規課程
- First Steps 幼稚園常規課程
- MC 幼兒奧數課程
- 香港小學至初中常規課程
- MC 小學奧數課程
- 國際學校小學至初中常規課程
- 公開考試常規課程
- 優惠有效期為2023年8月16日至2023年10月31日,新生可享有免費「新學年數學評估」乙次。
- 新生於評估當日報讀指定課程,可獲豁免報名費及獲贈2023-24 Academic Calendar乙個(數量有限,送完即止)。
- 兩名新生同日報讀指定課程(需於付費前通知職員),每人可獲贈1 張$300 學費禮券(將以電子形式自動發放至學生帳戶),禮券受個別條款及細則約束*。
- 此優惠不能兌換現金、其他貨品或折扣、亦不可轉讓,及不可與其他推廣優惠、折扣或學費禮券同時使用。
- 優惠適用於所有香港MathConcept分校,並受個別分校有關條款及細則約束,詳情請向分校職員查詢。
- 本校保留隨時更改或終止上述優惠及更改上述任何條款及細則之權利。
- Date: 2023-08-09
2023 New Center Promotion
To celebrate the grand opening of Shau Kei Wan, Shek Mun and Tung Chung center, they are offering the following for new enrollments during the promotion period:
- Free Diagnostic Assessment
- Registration Fee Waived
- Enroll in "Regular Program" to
- Enjoy First Month Free!
- Enroll in "Math Olympiad Program" to
- Receive "Magnetic Fraction"
- Early Bird Discount - Receive a $300 Coupon
Call/Whatsapp a center for more details now!
Shek Mun Center - Now Open
Early Bird Deadline:30th June 2023
Address: Shop 261, 2/F, Kings Wing Plaza 1, No.3 On Kwan Street, Shek Mun, Shatin, N.T.
Phone: 35795958
Whatsapp: https://wa.me/85235795958
Tung Chung Center - Now Open
Early Bird Deadline:30th June 2023
Address: Shop 202, 2/F, Fu Tung Plaza, Tung Chung, Lantau Island, N.T.
Phone: 36285972
Shau Kei Wan Center - Now Open
Early Bird Deadline:21st July 2023
Address: Shop 207, 2/F, Oi Tung Shopping Centre, Shau Kei Wan, Hong Kong
Phone: 35863378
Whatsapp: https://wa.me/85256481087
Please refer to Chinese version for terms and conditions.
- Date: 2023-06-01
2023 Summer Promotion
We are offering the following for new enrollments during the promotion period:
- Free Diagnostic Assessment ($200)
- Registration Fee Waived ($100)
- Receive $300 MathConcept Coupon
- Get a free box of Magnetic Fractions
- Save up to $400 for Regular Program
- Early Bird Promotion - Enroll to MathConcept Regular Program or Math Olympiad Program on or before 15th June to enjoy an extra $100 discount
For students who have joined our "Regular Program" may enjoy discount up to $400 and receive a box of Magnetic Fraction (Worth $100) for enrolling in add-on classes during July and August.
Also receive a $300 MathConcept Coupon by enrolling to both “Regular Program” and “MC Math Olympiad Program” during promotional period.
Contact one of our centers to find out more: https://mathconcept.com/en/center.php
Terms and Condition for 2021 Summer Promotion
#1 All terms for "2023 Summer Promotion for New Enrollments" are valid from 1st May 2023 to 15th July 2023; valid for new students only. All classes enrolled using the above offers have to be completed between 1st July 2023 and 31st August 2023. Applicable to full payment made between 1st May 2023 and 15th July 2023.
#2 By enrolling in regular program or MC math olympaid program to receive a $300 Digital MathConcept Coupon. The coupon is limited by it's term and condition.
#3 Enrollment made between 1st May 2023 and 15th June 2023 is eligble for Early Bird Promotion.
#4 Summer Promotion for Current MC Student are valid for students who have enrolled to July and August’s MathConcept Regular Program only. All classes enrolled using the above offers have to be completed between 1st July 2023 and 31st August 2023. Applicable to full payment made between 1st May 2023 and 15th July 2023.
#5 MC Math Olympiad Program is only available in certain centers.
#6 Redemption for "Magnetic Fraction" subjects to a first-come-first-served basis while stocks last.
#7 All offers in these promotions cannot be exchanged for cash, credit limit or other prizes. All offers cannot be used in conjunction with any other discount or promotional offer.
#8 The above offers are subject to each center's relevant terms and conditions. For details, please contact the staff of MathConcept Learning Center.
#9 MathConcept reserves the right to amend the important notes, terms and conditions or any other contents at any time and we may change the above offer at our discretion from time to time without any notice.
#10 Unless other wise agreed by parties, in case of discrepancy between the Chinese version and the English version, the Chinese version shall prevail.
- Date: 2023-04-21
v-Learning MO Program
- Date: 2023-04-14
MathConcept College is now OPEN
為針對香港高中學生的需要,MathConcept課程團隊籌備三年,專門提供高中數學課程培訓的「MathConcept College數學思維高中教室」,於2023年1月17日正式開幕。
MathConcept College提供的「H.K.D.S.E.全方位 數學必修課程」,結合「課題影片Video Lecture」及「個人輔導Tutorial」教學模式,雙管齊下優勢互補,學生將體驗最全面、最有效的數學培訓,讓同學在公開考試中取得優異成績。
推廣期內,新生報讀MathConcept College指定課程,買一送一,豁免評估費,優惠高達$2800!
推廣期內,MathConcept 學生介紹親友報讀MathConcept College指定課程,即獲獎賞:
推薦1名親友 | 超市 或 Casetify 禮券 $500 |
推薦2名親友 | 超市 或 Casetify 禮券 $1300 |
推薦3名親友 | iPad (第 9 代) 價值 $2599 |
+852 2618 0088
- Date: 2023-02-01
WTS Center Promotion
- 免費學前評估 (價值$200)
- 豁免首次報名費 (價值$100)
- 獲贈$600學費禮券#iii
- 獲贈益智玩具 – MathConcept x Toi Sudoku或七巧板#iv
電話:+852 2833 5744
WhatsApp:+852 2833 5744
- Little First Steps 幼兒常規課程(對象:PN - K1學生)
- First Steps 幼稚園常規課程(對象:K2 - K3學生)
- MC 幼兒奧數課程(對象:K2 - K3學生)
- 香港小學至初中常規課程(對象:P1 - F3學生)
- 國際學校小學至初中常規課程(對象:G1 - G9學生)
- 公開考試常規課程(對象:HKDSE/GCSE學生)
i. 優惠有效期為2023年2月1日至2023年2月28日,限有效期內首50名MathConcept新生(從未於任何MathConcept分校報讀及/或申請報讀的學生)使用優惠,每名學生只限使用一次。
ii. 所有以此優惠報讀的課堂,必須於2023年4月30日或之前完成。
iii. 報讀任何級別常規課程全期課堂或MC 幼兒奧數課程全期課堂,即送兩張$300學費禮券(適用於隨後緊接的兩期學費減免,每期限用一張,禮券受有關條款及細則約束);每名學生最多只可獲得兩張$300。
iv. 禮品數量有限,送完即止。
v. 此優惠不可與其他優惠、折扣或學費禮券同時使用。
vi. 此優惠不能兌換現金、其他貨品或折扣、亦不可轉讓。
vii. 優惠適用於香港MathConcept黃大仙分校,並受個別分校有關條款及細則約束,詳情請向分校職員查詢。
viii. 本校保留隨時更改或終止上述優惠及更改上述任何條款及細則之權利。
- Date: 2023-01-31
10th Anniversary Referral Rewards Lucky Draw Results
MathConcept 10th Anniversary Referral Rewards Lucky Draw Results
Prize |
Prize Details |
Raffle Ticket Number |
1st |
iPad and $20,000 MathConcept Cash Voucher |
100629 |
2nd |
iPad and $10,000 MathConcept Cash Voucher |
100022 |
3rd |
iPad and $5,000 MathConcept Cash Voucher |
101123 |
4th |
iPad |
100014 100183 |
Winners will be notified by phone and/or SMS and/or email within 14 working days.
Promotion Competition Licence No.: 55993-8
Details: https://mathconcept.com/tc/referral.php
- Date: 2023-01-04
2022-23 School Calendar
- Date: 2022-09-01
10th Anniversary Referral Rewards
MathConcept十週年適逢新學年開學,我們將會送出共20部iPad、$35,000 MathConcept現金券及無上限超市禮券,與學生、家長們迎接新學年!
- Date: 2022-08-30
2022 Class Resumption Promotion
We are offering the following for new enrollments during the promotion period:
- Free Diagnostic Assessment ($200)
- Registration Fee Waived ($100)
- Free English/PTH Online Trail Class ($388) provided Kelly’s Education #ii
- Regular Program:
- Enroll to receive $300 Coupon#iii
- Receive extra coupons ($600) for concurrent enrollment of two new students#iv
- MC Math Olympaid Program:
- Enroll to receive MathConcept x Toi Sudoku Boardgame ($200)#vi
Contact a center or Whatsapp 27881188 for details!
Terms and Condition for 2022 Class Resumption Promotion for New Enrollments
i. All terms for "2022 Class Resumption Promotion for New Enrollments" are valid from 1st May 2022 to 31th May 2022; valid for new students only; cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer.
ii. Offer and related services are provided by Kelly's Education; valid for Kelly's Education's new student only. Terms and conditions apply, please contact Kelly's Education for details.
iii. By enrolling in 8 or more regular classes (any grade) to receive a $300 Coupon which can be used for Regular Program.
iv. Each student will receive two $300 coupons (which can be used for Regular Program) when two new students enroll to the regular program concurrently.
v. Coupons for regular programs are limited by relevant terms and conditions. For details, please contact the staff of MathConcept Learning Center.
vi. By enrolling in MC Math Olympaid Program to receive a box Sudoku Boardgame. Subject to a first-come-first-served basis while stocks last.
vii. All offers in these promotions cannot be exchanged for cash, credit limit or other prizes. All offers cannot be used in conjunction with any other discount or promotional offer.
viii. The above offers are available in every centers in Hong Kong and are subject to each center's relevant terms and conditions. For details, please contact the staff of MathConcept Learning Center.
viii. MathConcept reserves the right to amend the important notes, terms and conditions or any other contents at any time and we may change the above offer at our discretion from time to time without any notice.
Last Update: 1-5-2022
- Date: 2022-04-19
Using Consumption Voucher
- 於AlipayHK APP內使用繳費服務#1
- 開啟「Alipay HK」手機應用程式
- 於主頁按「繳費服務」
- 先按「商戶列表」再於搜尋欄輸入「MathConcept」或「數學思維教室」
- 輸入4位數字學生編號及選擇所屬分校
- 輸入繳費金額後按下一步
- 付款方式選擇「消費券」,後按「確認付款」,輸入支付密碼/FaceID後即完成付款程序
- 分校會於下節課堂把正式收據交給學生
- 到店付款#2 (支援AlipayHK及Wechat Pay HK,現正申請Tap & Go)
家長到分校透過AlipayHK或Wechat Pay HK繳費,可直接以消費券繳付學費,簡單又方便。
- 開啟「Alipay HK」或「Wechat Pay」手機應用程式
- 於主頁按「收/付款」
- 輸入支付密碼/FaceID後於付款頁面選擇「消費券」為付款方式
- 確認金額後,分校職員掃瞄付款碼即完成付款程序
#1 AlipayHK App 繳費服務適用於以下分校:
#2 AlipayHK及Wechat Pay HK到店付款服務適用於以下分校:
- Date: 2022-04-07
數學思維網上教室MathConcept v-Learning Center最新推出線上版MC 奧數課程:
- 訓練解難技巧 鍛練邏輯思維
訓練學生多角度地思考問題;鍛練邏輯推理思維,激發創新意念;增強學生理解、分析、組織及表達能力。 - 課程由專家編制,循序漸進
課程由 294 課專業教程組成,按程度分為七級;每級按難度分為「暑期、基礎、進階、競賽」4 階段課程;由「暑期」興趣班開始,繼而深入探究。 - 階段評估 獎狀證書
報讀: https://mathconcept.simplybook.asia/
查詢: https://wa.me/85263794603
第1堂-第10堂 | 1. 按預先收到之MC 奧數課本,每堂完成一課 2. 學生自行完成家課 3. 導師於下一課開始前核對及講解家課 |
第11堂 | 1. 進行檢定評估 2. 於限時前傳回已完成之評估 |
第12堂 | 1. 公布檢定評估成績 2. 導師講解檢定評估內容 |
開班日期:基礎階段課程 9月25日至12月11日
進階階段課程 (待定)
競賽階段課程 (待定)
課程費用:基礎、進階及競賽課程,每階段$2600 / 12堂
二級基礎A班(逢星期六 10AM – 11AM)
三級基礎A班(逢星期六 11AM – 12PM)
四級基礎A班(逢星期六 2PM – 3PM)
歡迎家長為3位或以上學生自由組班,詳情可致電 2788 1188 或 Whatsapp 63794603 查詢。
截止報名:9月19日 (基礎階段課程)
報讀: https://mathconcept.simplybook.asia/
查詢: https://wa.me/85263794603
下列分校亦有提供MC 奧數課程面授課堂,請按此或致電分校了解更多:
屯門栢麗廣場 +852 2778 2326
天水圍嘉湖 +852 2180 9960
沙田連城廣場 +852 2886 8212
火炭銀禧薈 +852 2386 7888
坑口新寶城 +852 2699 3331
將軍澳中心 +852 2796 3399
荃灣海之戀 +852 2122 9616
荃灣南豐中心 +852 2178 0200
葵芳廣場 +852 2180 6115
奧海城一期 +852 2865 2322
黃埔花園 +852 2865 2200
鑽石山荷里活廣場 +852 2882 1682
九龍灣德福大廈 +852 3188 3747
藍田麗港城 +852 2796 3131
油塘大本型 +852 3621 0753
香港仔中心 +852 2331 2101
鴨脷洲海怡半島 +852 2915 0300
銅鑼灣怡和街 +852 2760 0001
太古康怡花園 +852 2535 6161
柴灣青年廣場 +852 2359 9935
- Date: 2021-08-27
2021 New Center Promotion
To celebrate the grand opening of Hang Hau center, they are offering the following for new enrollments during the promotion period:
- Free Diagnostic Assessment
- Registration Fee Waived
- Enroll in "Regular Program" to
- Enjoy First Month Free!#1
- Recieve "Common Mistakes in Primary Mathematics"
- Enroll in "Math Olympiad Program" to
- Receive "MathConcept x Toi Sudoku Boardgame"
- Extra $200 off when enrolled in both "Regular Program" and "Math Olympiad Program"
Call/Whatsapp a center or download our brochure for more details now!
Hang Hau Center
Address: Shop G23, G/F, La Cite Noble Shopping Arcade, Hang Hau, TKO. (Hang Hau Station Exit B)
Telephon: + 852 2699 3331
Whatsapp: + 852 2699 3331
Diamond Hill Center (Promotion Ended)
Address: Shop G108-G109, G/F, Plaza Hollywood, 3 Lung Poon Street, Diamond Hill. (Diamond Hill Station Exit C1)
Telephon: +852 2882 1682
Whatsapp: +852 2882 1682
Terms and Conditions
i. Valid for new enrollments only. Limited to the first 100 students.
ii. This offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotions/ offers /coupons.
iii. Free gifts are limited in stock, first come first served.
iv. The above offers are only applicable in Hang Hau center, subject to each center's relevant terms and conditions. For details, please contact the staff of MathConcept Learning Center.
v. MathConcept reserves the right to amend the important notes, terms and conditions or any other contents at any time and we may change the above offer at our discretion from time to time without any notice.
#1 4 regular classes (1 hour each) for free, upon enrolling in 8 or more regular classes(1 hour each) at original price.
Last Update: 13/9/2021
- Date: 2021-07-15
2021 Summer Promotion
We are offering the following for new enrollments during the promotion period:
- Free Diagnostic Assessment ($200)
- Registration Fee Waived ($100)
- Summer Regular Program:
- Enjoy Discounted Price by enrolling in 12 or more classes
- Receive $300 Coupon for Regular Program#ii
- Receive $200 Coupon for Summer Math Olympaid Program#iii
- Enjoy Discounted Price by enrolling in 12 or more classes
- MC Summer Math Olympaid Program:
Enroll to receive- MathConcept x Toi Sudoku Boardgame#iv
In return for your continual support, MathConcept will be offering the following summer promotion scheme for current students:
- Summer Regular Program:
- Enjoy Discounted Price by enrolling in 16 or more classes
- Enjoy Discounted Price by enrolling in 16 or more classes
- MC Summer Math Olympaid Program:
Enroll to receive- MathConcept x Toi Sudoku Boardgame#iii
- $100 Coupon for Regular Program#iv
Terms and Condition for 2021 Summer Promotion for New Enrollments
i. All terms for "2021 Summer Promotion for New Enrollments" are valid from 1st May 2021 to 31st July 2021; valid for new students only.
ii. All classes enrolled using the above offers have to be completed between 1st June 2021 and 31st August 2021.
iii. By enrolling in 12 or more regular classes (any grade) to receive a $300 Coupon which can be used for Regular Program in September 2021.
iv. By enrolling in 12 or more regular classes (limited to K1-K3/P1-P6/G1-G6) to receive a $200 Coupon which can be used for Summer Math Olympaid Program in July-August 2021. Math Olympiad Program is only available in certain centers.
v. By enrolling in MC Summer Math Olympaid Program to receive a box Sudoku Boardgame. Subject to a first-come-first-served basis while stocks last.
vi. All offers in these promotions cannot be exchanged for cash, credit limit or other prizes. All offers cannot be used in conjunction with any other discount or promotional offer.
vii. The above offers are available in every centers in Hong Kong and are subject to each center's relevant terms and conditions. For details, please contact the staff of MathConcept Learning Center.
viii. MathConcept reserves the right to amend the important notes, terms and conditions or any other contents at any time and we may change the above offer at our discretion from time to time without any notice.
Terms and Condition for 2020 Class Resumption Promotion for Current Students
i. All terms for "2021 Summer Promotion for Current Students" are valid from 1st May 2021 to 31st July 2021; valid for current MathConcept Learning Centers' student only.
ii. All classes enrolled using the above offers have to be completed between 1st June 2021 and 31st August 2021.
iii. By enrolling in MC Summer Math Olympaid Program to receive a box Sudoku Boardgame. Subject to a first-come-first-served basis while stocks last.
iv. By enrolling in MC Summer Math Olympaid Program to receive a $100 Coupon which can be used for Regular Program in September 2021.
v. MC Math Olympiad Program is only available in certain centers.
vi. All offers in these promotions cannot be exchanged for cash, credit limit or other prizes. All offers cannot be used in conjunction with any other discount or promotional offer.
vii. The above offers are available in every centers in Hong Kong and are subject to each center's relevant terms and conditions. For details, please contact the staff of MathConcept Learning Center.
viii. MathConcept reserves the right to amend the important notes, terms and conditions or any other contents at any time and we may change the above offer at our discretion from time to time without any notice.
Last Update: 30-4-2021
- Date: 2021-05-01
2021 Add-on Promotion
Due to the coronavirus outbreak, prolonged class suspension has affected students' learning. It is time catch up on topics they have missed and leap forward in the subject by equipping them with essential mathematical concepts. In return for your continual support, MathConcept will be offering the following “Add-on promotion” scheme for current students:
For students who have joined our "Regular Program" may enjoy $100 discount for enrolling in every four add-on classes during the promotional period. ($100 discount for 4 add-on classes, $200 discount for 8 add-on classes...)
Please call our center or come in person to confirm your preferable timeslots for your child. Our centers will follow a special guideline and take related measures amid the virus outbreak. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to us.
Terms and Condition
i. All terms are valid for students who have enrolled to MathConcept Regular Program only.
ii. Applicable to full payment made between 23rd March 2021 and 30th April 2021.
iii. All classes enrolled using the above offers have to be completed between 1st March 2021 and 31st May 2021.
iv. In any cases, if the center cannot provide on-site classes, paid classes will be delivered in other forms (e.g. E-class). No further extension on the expiration date.
v. All offers in these promotions cannot be exchanged for cash, credit limit or other prizes. All offers cannot be used in conjunction with any other discount or promotional offer.
vi. The above offers are available in every centers in Hong Kong and are subject to each center's relevant terms and conditions. For details, please contact the staff of MathConcept Learning Center.
vii. MathConcept reserves the right to amend the important notes, terms and conditions or any other contents at any time and we may change the above offer at our discretion from time to time without any notice.
viii. In case of discrepancy between the Chinese version of terms and conditions / declaration and its English translation , the Chinese versions shall prevail.
- Date: 2021-02-23
Special Lesson Arrangements
Regarding to the lastest EDB announcement, face-to-face classes of MathConcept Learning Centers will gradually resume from 20th February (SAT). Please contact our centers for their latest lesson arrangements. Our centers have strictly observed the relevant health guidelines and put in place all necessary health protection measures to keep the school environment clean and hygienic.
Updated on 17th February 2021
Education Bureau has announced that PSNFCs can arrange a small number of students to return to schools to attend face-to-face classes for not more than a half day. Please contact our centers for their latest lesson arrangements.
Updated on 5th January 2021
Education Bureau has announced that the suspension of all face- to-face classes of PSNFCs would be further extended until 10 January 2021. Please contact our centers for their latest lesson arrangements.
Updated on 21st December 2020
Education Bureau has announced that the suspension of all face- to-face classes of PSNFCs would be further extended until 23 December. Please contact our centers for their latest lesson arrangements.
Updated on 8th December 2020
Regarding to the latest EDB announcement, tutorial schools are requested to suspend face-to-face classes for two weeks. Please contact our centers for their latest lesson arrangements.
Updated on 1st December 2020
Regarding to the lastest EDB announcement, regular classes of MathConcept Learning Centers will gradually resume on 16th September. Our services are expected to resume as normal on 23rd September. Our centers will take the following measures amid the virus outbreak:
- Maintaining our center’s environmental hygiene. All staff is required to follow their respective guidelines including intensified cleaning and disinfection efforts in all areas of the center.
- All staff, students and parents are required to have their body temperature checked before entering the center and are required to wear surgical masks at all time whilst in the center. For hygiene measures, no parents or visitors are allowed to enter our classrooms.
- Students are required to have their hands disinfected before entering the classrooms.
- There will be a special seating arrangement. Partitions are installed,
- Special arrangements will be made between classes to amid the chances of cross contamination:
:00 ~ :05 Student arrive punctually at :00. Instructor will perform a temperature check, ask questions in the health declaration form and provide hand sanitiser for disinfection to each student. :05~:55 Class as usual (Students are required to bring their own stationery) :55~:00 Parent arrive punctually at :55 to pick up his/her child. Instructor will clean and disinfect all surfaces with alcohol/disinfecting wet wipes. - Students with flu-like symptoms are advised to stay at home and self-quarantine for 14 days if necessary.
- Students who have travelled aboard or have had close contact with someone who has a probable/confirmed case of coronavirus are advised to self-quarantine for 14 days.
- We will closely monitor related news and CHP's announcements and guidelines. Our arrangements and precautions may be changed without prior notice in order to ensure the safety of our students and instructors.
To obtain the latest update from MathConcept, please visit www.mathconcept.com or our Facebook page: MathConcept Education. If you have any enquiries, please call our centers or contact us at through WhatsApp (Find a Center).
Updated on 2nd September 2020
Regarding to the recent Covid-19 outbreak, starting from 15th July 2020 (Wed), all regular classes of MathConcept Learning Centers are switched to online format until further notice. Please contact our centers for lesson schedule and other details.
We will closely monitor related news and CHP's announcements and guidelines. Our arrangements and precautions may be changed without prior notice in order to ensure the safety of our students and instructors.
To obtain the latest update from MathConcept, please visit www.mathconcept.com or our Facebook page: MathConcept Education. If you have any enquiries, please call our centers or contact us at through WhatsApp (Find a Center).
Updated on 14th July 2020
Regarding to the increasing risks of COVID-19, EBD has annouced early commencement of school summer holiday. Considering the needs of different students, our centers will offer regular classes as usual, at the same time, our centers will take the following measures amid the virus outbreak:
- Maintaining our center’s environmental hygiene. All staff is required to follow their respective guidelines including intensified cleaning and disinfection efforts in all areas of the center.
- All staff, students and parents are required to have their body temperature checked before entering the center and are required to wear surgical masks at all time whilst in the center. For hygiene measures, no parents or visitors are allowed to enter our classrooms.
- Students are required to have their hands disinfected before entering the classrooms.
- There will be a special seating arrangement. Partitions are installed,
- Class duration will be reduced to 50 minutes:
:00 ~ :05 Student arrive punctually at :00. Instructor will perform a temperature check, ask questions in the health declaration form and provide hand sanitiser for disinfection to each student. :05~:55 Class as usual (Students are required to bring their own stationery) :55~:00 Parent arrive punctually at :55 to pick up his/her child. Instructor will clean and disinfect all surfaces with alcohol/disinfecting wet wipes. - Students with flu-like symptoms are advised to stay at home and self-quarantine for 14 days if necessary.
- Students who have travelled aboard or have had close contact with someone who has a probable/confirmed case of coronavirus are advised to self-quarantine for 14 days.
- We will closely monitor related news and CHP's announcements and guidelines. Our arrangements and precautions may be changed without prior notice in order to ensure the safety of our students and instructors.
To obtain the latest update from MathConcept, please visit www.mathconcept.com or our Facebook page: MathConcept Education. If you have any enquiries, please call our centers or contact us at through WhatsApp (Find a Center).
Updated on 12th July 2020
Regarding to the coronavirus outbreak, all regular classes of MathConcept Learning Centers has been suspended until 19th April, regular classes will gradually resume on 20th April. Our services are expected to resume as normal on 1st June. Our centers will take the following measures amid the virus outbreak:
Immediate until class resumption:
- Opening hours of our centers have changed temporarily. Please call or contact us through WhatsApp for exact hours and availabily.
- All areas of our center are deeply cleaned and disinfected.
- All staff is required to submit a health declaration form regularly. For those who indicated that they have flu-like symptoms, travelled aboard or have had close contact with someone who has a probable/confirmed case of coronavirus are required to self-quarantine for 14 days.
After class resumption︰
- Maintaining our center’s environmental hygiene. All staff is required to follow their respective guidelines including intensified cleaning and disinfection efforts in all areas of the center.
- All staff, students and parents are required to have their body temperature checked before entering the center and are required to wear surgical masks at all time whilst in the center. For hygiene measures, no parents or visitors are allowed to enter our classrooms.
- Students are required to have their hands disinfected before entering the classrooms.
- There will be a special seating arrangement.
- Class duration will be reduced to 50 minutes:
:00 ~ :05 Student arrive punctually at :00. Instructor will perform a temperature check, ask questions in the health declaration form and provide hand sanitiser for disinfection to each student. :05~:55 Class as usual (Students are required to bring their own stationery) :55~:00 Parent arrive punctually at :55 to pick up his/her child. Instructor will clean and disinfect all surfaces with alcohol/disinfecting wet wipes. - Students with flu-like symptoms are advised to stay at home and self-quarantine for 14 days if necessary.
- Students who have travelled aboard or have had close contact with someone who has a probable/confirmed case of coronavirus are advised to self-quarantine for 14 days.
- We will closely monitor related news and CHP's announcements and guidelines. Our arrangements and precautions may be changed without prior notice in order to ensure the safety of our students and instructors.
To obtain the latest update from MathConcept, please visit www.mathconcept.com or our Facebook page: MathConcept Education. If you have any enquiries, please call our centers or contact us at through WhatsApp (Find a Center).
Updated on 3rd June 2020
In view of an increase in the number of confirmed and suspected Novel Coronavirus infection cases, all regular classes of MathConcept Learning Centers will also be suspended until 19th April.
Updated on 28th February 2020
In view of an increase in the number of confirmed and suspected Novel Coronavirus infection cases, all classes of MathConcept Learning Centers will also be suspended until 15th March.
With the closure of schools, it doesn’t mean teaching and learning need to stop! Commencing on 1st March 2020, all MathConcept Learning Centers will be providing the innovative online V-Learning classes. Please click here to learn more.
Updated on 20th February 2020
Starting from 10th Feb, our centers will remain open on Monday - Saturday 10AM to 6PM and arrange a suitable number of staff to be on duty to handle school affairs and parents' enquiries. (Except for the School Holiday on 13th Feb.)
Updated on 9th February 2020
In view of an increase in the number of confirmed and suspected Novel Coronavirus infection cases, all classes of MathConcept Learning Centers will also be suspended until 1st March.
To help minimize the threat of the virus spreading in the wider community, our centers will remain closed until 9th Feb.
We will closely monitor related news. Parents can also refer to CHP's Weekly Express (http://www.chp.gov.hk/). Should you have any enquiries, please contact your center during office hours.
Updated on 2nd February 2020
We refer to the latest situation of “Severe Respiratory Disease associated with a Novel Infectious Agent” refers to the cluster of viral pneumonia cases occurring in Wuhan, Hubei Provience. MathConcept will take the following precautions to avoid the spread of disease:
- Thermometer is prepared and student’s body temperature will be measured if necessary.
- Hand sanitizer is available, students will be asked to sterilize their hands before entering into the center.
- Center will be cleaned thoroughly after class to ensure environmental hygiene.
- Instructors will pay attention to student’s health status closely. If students show any flu symptoms, they will be separated from others until their guardian arrived to pick them up.
Parents are also advised to monitor children’s health status closely and pay attention to the following suggested measures:
- To encourage your children to maintain good personal hygiene
- To prepare face masks for children to wear in class.
- Children having a fever and respiratory symptoms should stay at home and consult a doctor promptly. Parents may contact us to arrange for make-up sessions.
- To inform us immediately if your child was suspected or confirmed to be infected.
If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us.
Updated on 22nd January 2020
- Date: 2021-02-17
2020-21 School Calendar
2020-21 Hong Kong School Calender
2020-21 Macau School Calender
- Date: 2020-09-01
About Online Classes
Regarding to the recent Covid-19 outbreak, starting from 1st December 2020, all regular classes of MathConcept Learning Centers are switched to online format until further notice. Please contact our centers for lesson schedule and other details.
Enroll / Learn More: https://mathconcept.com/tc/center.php
MathConcept Online Programs
- Accepts online payment (FPS/AlipayHK/Bank Transfer)
- Online assessment and report
- Tailor-made learning plan and customized courseware
- 4 Sessions of 1 to 1 or 1 to 2 Online Live Class
- Corresponding learning videos
- Follow-ups and inquires through WhatsApp.
- Report to parents regularly on progress update
VK Live Learning Program (Suitable for Kindergarteners)
MathConcept's First Steps is a tailor made program for kindergarten learners. By focusing on children’s weaknesses and building on their strengths to enhances their natural interest in mathematics. We use a distinctive combination of mental, verbal, visual, tactile, and written methods to help students grasp fundamental math concepts. Exposing children to basic math concepts through addressing the foundational skills and logical thinking in preparation for primary math.
Enrollment Fee: $100
Assessment Fee: $200 (this fee can be waived upon enrollment)
Program Fee: $850 (4 sessions)
VP Learning / VP Live Learning (Suitable for Primary Students)
Our experienced group of tutors will evaluate students with a written and verbal assessment. Based on their assessment results, we assemble a tailored learning plan just for them, designed to close any educational gaps that they may have and jump ahead when they are ready for advanced math challenges. We use a distinctive combination of mental, verbal, visual, tactile, and written methods that cover and surpass Hong Kong EDB and most international math standards (such as IBPYP and British Year 1 to 6) to help students grasp fundamental math concepts and gain confidence and self–esteem.
Sample Videos
P1 中文版 | P1 English Sample |
P2 中文版 | P2 English Sample |
P3 中文版 | P3 English Sample |
P4 中文版 | P4 English Sample |
P5 中文版 | P5 English Sample |
P6 中文版 | P6 English Sample |
Enrollment Fee: $100
Assessment Fee: $200 (this fee can be waived upon enrollment)
Program Fee:
VP Learning $600 (4 sessions)
VP Live Learning $850 (4 sessions)
VS Live Learning Program (Suitable for Junior Secondary Students)
We understand that math is very important in the first three years of secondary school. Math in junior level acts as the basic foundation for later mathematical studies such as advanced algebra, geometry, trigonometry, probabilities, and calculus. As well as other science and non-science subjects such as physics, chemistry, biology, computer science, and economics all require some specific and basic set of math skill. Not only we teach students the required math concepts and skills, our unique program also helps them build number sense by showing them how math can work in a way that makes sense. We use a distinctive combination of mental, verbal, visual, tactile, and written methods that cover and surpass Hong Kong EDB and most international math standards (such as IBMYP and British Year 7-9) to help students grasp fundamental math concepts and gain confidence and self–esteem.
Enrollment Fee: $100
Assessment Fee: $200 (this fee can be waived upon enrollment)
Program Fee: $950 (4 sessions)
VS Live Learning International Exam Program
By the time they reach senior year in secondary school, all students perform at different skill levels. To determine each student’s abilities, our experienced group of tutors will evaluate students with a written assessment. Based on their assessment results, we assemble a tailored learning plan just for them, designed to fit the student’s specific needs to avoid spending time on things they already know and to strengthen the things they need help on.
We offer an unparalleled range of courses covering all major curricula. We have a wealth of experience in preparing students for internationally-recognized mathematics examinations including the IGCSE, IBDP, and SAT as well as the local school program HKDSE.
Enrollment Fee: $100
Assessment Fee: $200 (this fee can be waived upon enrollment)
Program Fee:
HKDSE/IGCSE : $1050 (4 sessions)
IBDP/SAT : $1250 (4 sessions)
- Date: 2020-07-15
2020 Class Resumption Promotion
Schools had not been open and classes were suspended for over four months due to the coronavirus outbreak. It is time to take advantage of your children’s spare time and catch up on topics they have missed and leap forward in the subject by equipping them with essential mathematical concepts.
We are offering the following for new enrollments during the promotion period:
- Free Diagnostic Assessment ($200)
- Registration Fee Waived ($100)
- Regular Course Offer
Enjoy Discounted Price and receive $300 Coupon#1 by enrolling in 12 or more classes
- Extra $200 off when your child is enrolled in both Regular Course and MC Math Olympiad Course#2 during promotional period.
Find a Center or download our brochure for more details now!
In return for your continual support, MathConcept will be offering the following class resumption promotion scheme for current students:
- Add-on Classes Promotion for Regular Course
For students who have joined "2nd Term Intensive Course" or "July and August Regular Program" may enjoy $100 discount for enrolling in every four additional classes. ($100 discount for 4 additional classes, $200 discount for 8 additional classes...) - Extra $200 off when your child is enrolled in both Regular Course and MC Math Olympiad Course#2 during promotional period.
There will be a new lesson schedule after class resumption. Please call us or come in person to confirm your preferable timeslots for your child. Our centers will follow a special guideline and take related measures amid the virus outbreak (click HERE for details). If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your center.
To celebrate the grand opening of Kwai Fong center, these centers are offering "New Center Promotion", which includes First Month Free offer for new enrollments during the promotion period, please click HERE for more details.
Terms and Condition for 2020 Class Resumption Promotion for New Enrollments
i. All terms for "2020 Class Resumption Promotion for New Enrollments" are valid from 15th May 2020 to 31st July 2020; valid for new students only.
ii. Each student can only enjoy the above offers once.
iii. All classes enrolled using the above offers have to be completed between 1st June 2020 and 31st August 2020.
iv. All offers in these promotions cannot be exchanged for cash, credit limit or other prizes. All offers cannot be used in conjunction with any other discount or promotional offer.
v. The above offers are available in every centers in Hong Kong and are subject to each center's relevant terms and conditions. For details, please contact the staff of MathConcept Learning Center.
vi. MathConcept reserves the right to amend the important notes, terms and conditions or any other contents at any time and we may change the above offer at our discretion from time to time without any notice.
Terms and Condition for 2020 Class Resumption Promotion for Current Students
i. All terms for "2020 Class Resumption Promotion for Current Students" are valid from 15th May 2020 to 31st July 2020; valid for current MathConcept Learning Centers' student only.
ii. All classes enrolled using the above offers have to be completed between 1st July 2020 and 31st August 2020.
iii. All offers in these promotions cannot be exchanged for cash, credit limit or other prizes. All offers cannot be used in conjunction with any other discount or promotional offer.
iv. The above offers are available in every centers in Hong Kong and are subject to each center's relevant terms and conditions. For details, please contact the staff of MathConcept Learning Center.
v. MathConcept reserves the right to amend the important notes, terms and conditions or any other contents at any time and we may change the above offer at our discretion from time to time without any notice.
#1. Can be used when enrolling in September Regular Course.
#2. MC Math Olympiad Program is only available in certain centers.
Last Update: 18-5-2020
- Date: 2020-05-15
SSPA Program is now open for Enrollment!
呈分試是教育局用作決定學生升中派位組別的考試,學生從五年級下學期起,校內成績便會列入呈分試的計算範圍內,對同學們日後升讀心儀中學至為關鍵。 同學們們必須預早為此挑戰作好準備。報讀MathConcept「呈分試」精讀班,使大家表現更得心應手,爭取優異成績!
- 專業擬題 - 多份擬試卷由MathConcept課程發展組按教育局呈分試要求編制,題種多元化以加強學生的解題能力。
- 即時批卷 - 學生在限時內完成模擬試卷,專業導師會即時批改及抽取重點試題講解。
- 應答竅門 - 針對不同類型的問題,指出不同問題的應答技巧,讓學生取得更高分數。
- 分析常犯錯誤 - 指出學生常犯錯誤,幫助學生及早準備。
- 時間掌握 - 教授學生如何分配時間,熟習考試模式,減少因臨場過度緊張所犯的失誤。
- 因材施教 - 根據學生弱項,配合常規課程加以講解及加強操練,可達致最佳學習效果,幫助學生爭取佳績。
課程費用:$1100任選4堂, 額外每堂 +$200
$850任選4堂, 額外每堂 +$150 (常規課程學生方可以此優惠價報讀)
開班日期:5月(五下)、 10月(六上) 和2月(六下)
上課時間:每堂90分鐘, 請直接致電分校查詢最新上課時間表
沙田連城廣場 +852 2886 8212
大埔廣場 +852 2386 6788
葵芳廣場 +852 2180 6115
荔枝角泓景匯 +852 2370 3603
黃埔花園 +852 2865 2200
寶琳新都城 +852 3619 5198
香港仔中心 +852 2331 2101
鴨脷洲海怡半島 +852 2915 0300
北角馬寶道 +852 2336 8870
數學思維網上教室MathConcept v-Learning Center最新推出線上版呈分試精讀班,讓學生在家學習,預早為呈分試作好準備,爭取優異成績、升讀心儀中學!了解更多:https://mathconcept.com/tc/news-id.php?id=84
- Date: 2020-05-01
Free! 2nd Term MathQuiz
Schools haven’t been open and classes are suspended since the Lunar New Year due to the coronavirus outbreak.
Is your child ready for the upcoming school year?
Click [MathQuiz] to find out!
- Date: 2020-04-16
2nd Term Intensive Program
Schools haven’t been open and classes are suspended since the Lunar New Year due to the coronavirus outbreak. Aiming to help students catching up on topics they have missed in the 2nd Term, MathConcept has launched the “2nd Term Intensive Program”, our instructor will go through all major topics with your children in time for the next academic year! Enrol now to enjoy the special offer and save up to $700!
Aim: Focus on major topics in HKEDB suggested 2nd term syllabus. (Click HERE for suggested List of Topics)
Target: Suitable for P1 – P6 and F1 – F6 Students.
Assessment: New students will take a Diagnostic Test which costs $200 (Waived during promotional period).
Schedule: For best result, twice lesson per week, one hour per lesson. Lesson schedule can be adjusted depending on student’s need.
Enrolment Fee: $100 (Waived during promotional period).
Program Fee: (24 Lessons ✕ 1 hour)
Primary (P1 – P6) |
Was $5100 NOW $4750 |
Junior Secondary (F1 – F3) |
Was $5700 NOW $5300 |
Senior Secondary (DSE, GCSE) |
Was $6300 NOW $5900 |
Senior Secondary (IBDP, SAT) |
Was $7500 NOW $6950 |
Call or WhatsApp us now to make an appointment for your free Diagnostic Test!
Is your child ready for the upcoming school year?
Click [MathQuiz] to find out!
Terms and condition
i. The above offer is valid from 1st April 2020 to 31st May 2020.
ii. All classes of the 2nd Term Intensive Program have to be completed on or before 31st August 2020.
iii. All offers in this promotion cannot be exchanged for cash, credit limit or other prizes. All offers cannot be used in conjunction with any other discount or promotional offer, except “Rebate for Returning Students”.
iv. The above offers are available in every centers in Hong Kong and are subject to each center's relevant terms and conditions. For details, please contact the staff of MathConcept Learning Center.
v. MathConcept reserves the right to amend the important notes, terms and conditions or any other contents at any time and we may change the above offer at our discretion from time to time without any notice.
- Date: 2020-04-16
Easter Egg Hunt
【#親子互動星期五 | 復活節尋蛋樂】
想同小朋友過一個 #好玩 、 #益智 又有 #儀式感 嘅復活節?立刻下載免費素材齊玩「復活節尋蛋樂」!
1. 下載及列印合適的素材
2. 剪出印有數學題的藤籃及印有答案的復活蛋,再於背面貼上百寶貼
3. 將藤籃貼於顯眼位置
4. 再將復活蛋藏於家中不同地方
5. 在塑料彩蛋裏面裝一些糖果、朱古力、小玩具等作為完成遊戲的獎品
1. 讓小朋友拿著籃子去尋找印有答案的復活蛋
2. 小朋友找到所有復活蛋後與印有數學題的藤籃作配對
3. 小朋友每次成功配對即可獲得裝有小禮物的塑料彩蛋一隻
4. 成功完成所有配對後遊戲結束
- Date: 2020-04-10
• MathConcept授權全港中小學及幼稚園免費使用本校網上資源
• 包括Youtube、Facebook等教學短片及相關教材
由即日起至2020年8月31日止,全香港所有中學、小學及幼稚園,均獲Mathconcept免費授權,使用本公司透過網上及社交媒體,包括公司網頁、Facebook及Youtube 等所發表的教學短片及相關教材。歡迎自行剪輯及排版,以配合學校需要。
▶YouTube Channel ( youtube.com/mathconcept )
▶Facebook page ( MathConcept Education )
▶數學思維大激鬥網站 ( mathconceptition.com )
▶本校官網 ( mathconcept.com )
凡使用Mathconcept網上資源者,請保留本公司商標或註明來源 “Mathconcept Education”,謝謝。
- Date: 2020-02-14
2020 School Calendar
2020 Hong Kong School Calendar
2020 Macau School Calendar
- Date: 2019-12-10
Special lesson arrangements on the current situation in Hong Kong
Due to the recent instability of transportation and social orders in Hong Kong, service hours of our centers may be changed without prior notice in order to ensure the safety of our students and instructors. Parents are advised to take note on the followings:
1. Parents will be notified on the latest opening status of our centers through MathConcept Education's Facebook page or SMS. Please check the latest status of your center through the above channels before attending classes.
2. Make-up sessions could be arranged for all affected classes. Please contact your center for arrangement of make-up sessions.
3. If attending the class are considered to be unsafe for the students due to local situation, parents may contact us to take leave and arrange for make-up sessions.
Please feel free to contact your center if you have any enquires.
To obtain the latest update from MathConcept, please go to the following Facebook page: MathConcept Education
- Date: 2019-11-18
Students of MathConcept may now settle their tuition fee via AlipayHK
Parents can now enjoy the convenience of settling their children’s tuition fee and viewing their payment records via AlipayHK App. You may now make prompt payment simply by inputting your child’s student code and payment amount on the App at anytime and anywhere.
How to pay my child’s MathConcept tuition fee using AlipayHK?
- At Homepage, tap “Bill Payment“
- Select “Tutoring; Learning or Training” then select you center
- Input your child’s 4-digit student code and bill amount
- Select payment method and tap “Confirm”
- Input payment password and your payment process will be completed. Your child will receive an official receipt in the upcoming class.
AlipayHK’s “HK$50 MathConcept Learning Center Welcome Reward”
From now until 31 January 2020, new AlipayHK users can receive a $50 welcome reward! The reward consists of two HK$25 e-coupons, a coupon will be applied automatically upon each tuition fee payment is made in the App. This promotion is offered by AlipayHK and subjected to relevant terms and conditions. For more details, please refer to the promotion materials in AlipayHK App.
Download AlipayHK and redeem “HK$50 MathConcept Learning Center Welcome Reward” here
Terms & Conditions of HK$50 MathConcept Learning Center Welcome Reward (the “Promotion”):
1. The Promotion of “HK$50 MathConcept Learning Center Welcome Reward” (the “MathConcept Learning Center Welcome Reward”) runs from 15 November 2019 to 30 January 2020 (both dates inclusive) (the “Promotion Period”).
2. The MathConcept Learning Center Welcome Reward is only applicable to users who have never redeemed any welcome offer of AlipayHK and never made any payment via AlipayHK Mobile Application (“AlipayHK App”) successfully. (“Eligible Users”)
3. Throughout the Promotion Period, Eligible Users are required to log into their AlipayHK Mobile Application (“AlipayHK App”) and to redeem the MathConcept Learning Center Welcome Reward. Each Eligible User can redeem the MathConcept Learning Center Welcome Reward once only. The MathConcept Learning Center Welcome Reward consists of two(2) HK$25 e-coupons (“coupon”), which can be used at all MathConcept Learning Center outlets in Hong Kong. A Welcome Reward may be used in conjunction with the coupon of User Special Reward from the “Referral Reward” campaign, upon a single net spending of HK$100 or above after redeeming all applicable rewards and in accordance with Clause 4 below. The coupon is valid for 90 calendar days from the date of redemption. Expired coupons are invalid and will not be re-issued.
4. If there are other coupon(s) in the Eligible User’s AlipayHK account other than the Welcome Reward, the priority of using the coupons will be the “User Special Reward” (if any) first. Subject to Clause 3 above, the priority of using other coupons (including the “Welcome Reward”) will be determined by (i) the value of one such other coupons (highest value) and (ii) the aggregate value of the coupons of “Referrer Reward” (up to 10 coupons) (if any), and the coupon(s) with the higher value between (i) and (ii) will be used first. In case of same value between (i) and (ii), coupons of “Referrer Reward” will be used first. If there are no “Referrer Reward” in the Eligible User’s AlipayHK account, coupon with the highest value will be used first; and in case the coupons are of the same value, the one with the earliest expiry date will be used. Only one (1) “Welcome Reward” coupon (if applicable) may be used in each transaction. The usage of other coupons shall be subject to their respective terms and conditions.
5. Upon successful redemption of Welcome Reward, AlipayHK will store the coupon in the AlipayHK App account of Eligible User automatically. Eligible Users could refer to more details of the relevant reward by updating the AlipayHK App to the latest version and selecting the “Reward” section in the “Homepage” of AlipayHK App. AlipayHK shall bear no liability if Eligible Users cannot perform a successful redemption of relevant rewards and/or the relevant reward is lost due to any circumstances.
6. During the Promotion Period, each Eligible User can only participate in the Promotion once. For the avoidance of doubt, “each Eligible User” refers to a natural person with legal capacity who uses the AlipayHK App and Wallet service, but not merely an AlipayHK account. To further avoid any dispute, in the following circumstances, the relevant accounts will be deemed to be used by the same user and can only participate in this promotion once:
(i) Connection on the same mobile phone or mobile device, such as the logging in or activation of multiple accounts; or
(ii) Connection of an AlipayHK account or mobile number on multiple mobile phones or mobile devices, such as the logging in or activation on such devices; or
(iii) The same credit card number being connected to multiple AlipayHK accounts.
In the case of any of the above, in order to verify the Eligible User’s identity and prevent the risk of theft or misuse of such AlipayHK account, mobile phone number, mobile device or credit card number, AlipayHK reserve the right to suspend or terminate the release of MathConcept Learning Center Welcome Reward to the relevant account and to take legal action.
7. Coupon is limited in quantity and on a first-come-first-served basis. The quota is calculated based on the computer record of AlipayHK.
8. If there is any breach of these terms and conditions or illegal, fraudulent or abusive behavior during the use of coupons, AlipayHK and the Merchant will forfeit such Eligible User’s MathConcept Learning Center Welcome Reward and the entitlement of coupons, and reserve the right to cancel such transaction and to take legal action against the relevant user.
9. The relevant coupons cannot be used to purchase cash vouchers or gift certificates, or exchanged for cash or other products and are non-transferable.
10. AlipayHK and the Merchant will carry out this Promotion in accordance to applicable laws in the HKSAR. If the Promotion cannot be carried out smoothly due to a force majeure event, AlipayHK and the Merchant cannot be held liable for any damage, loss or dispute therein. A force majeure event is regarded as any government orders, damaging cyberattack, electronic system failure or circumstance beyond our control.
11. AlipayHK shall not be liable or constructed as providing any guarantee as to the quality and availability of the products and/or service provided by the Merchant.
12. AlipayHK and the Merchant reserve the right to change, suspend or terminate the Promotion or its terms and conditions at its sole discretion without prior notice. AlipayHK and the Merchant shall not be liable for any such change, suspension or termination, and reserve the right of final decision of all the matters and disputes.
13. For any enquiries in relation to AlipayHK App and its services or offers, please call the AlipayHK customer service hotline at 2245 3201.
14. These terms and conditions shall be governed by and constructed in accordance with the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
15. Should there be any discrepancy or inconsistency between the English and the Chinese version of these terms and conditions, the Chinese version shall prevail.
- Date: 2019-11-15
Instructor Development Day
- Date: 2019-01-24
2019 School Calendar
- Date: 2019-01-01
Mathy Xmas!
- Date: 2018-12-13
Holiday Notice (Nov)
Mathconcept 將舉行公司周年旅行,各分校將於下列日期休息 4 至 7 天,詳情如下:
中環半山堅道 :11月15日(四)至11月18日(日)
根據2018假期表(請參考MathConcept學生手冊),扣除法定公眾假期及學校假期後,全年常規課堂不少於48堂(平均每月四堂)。 如全年少於48節,個別分校將安排補堂。家長如有任何疑問,歡迎致電分校查詢。
- Date: 2018-11-09
Class Cancelled on 17-Sept
Classes of all MathConcept Learning Centers in Hong Kong are suspended on Monday, September 17 to ensure the safety of students and staff. Parents may contact your center for make-up class schedules.
- Date: 2018-09-17
Kindergarten MO Course
「MC 幼兒奧數課程」專為4-5歲的學前兒童而設,目的為培育學生初步掌握小學一至二年級的數學課程而設計。「幼兒奧數課程」透過活潑有趣的遊戲和活動,再配合不同教具教授學生對「加、減、乘」運算及其概念的掌握,並學習邏輯概念的運用,適合對數學有濃厚興趣及天分的學生報讀。
「MC 幼兒奧數課程」以小班小組形式授課,上課形式活潑有趣,以遊戲和比賽形式配合不同數學教具,使小朋友認識不同的數學概念。暫由本校首間奧數專門店 - 奧數思維教室 MathConcept Olympiad Academy 獨家提供此課程,新生於優惠期間報讀 MathConcept 課程,即享高達$1,350優惠*,立即查詢上課時間及預約免費學前評估,或按此下載課程小冊子。
電話:+852 2169 3809 [按此致電]
Whatsapp:+852 5400 9044 [按此查詢]
地址: 荃灣青山公路 264 - 298 號南豐中心 6 樓 628 室 (荃灣站A出口)
對 象:適合K2至K3學生修讀。
開課日期:基礎 — 2018年9月18日
進階 — 2018年12月31日
競賽 — 2019年4月1日
課程費用:首次報名費 $100
暑期課程 $1300 (6堂)
基礎、進階及競賽課程,每階段 $2600 (12堂)
* 贈品數量有限,送完即止。
* 以上所有優惠只適用於奧數思維教室(荃灣),優惠期有限,不可與其他優惠同時使用,並受個別分校有關條款及細則約束,詳情請向分校職員查詢。
* 本校保留隨時更改或終止上述優惠及更改上述任何條款及細則之權利。
- Date: 2018-08-17
The 1st MathConcept Olympiad Academy is Now Open
本校首間奧數專門店 - 奧數思維教室 MathConcept Olympiad Academy 現已開幕!除了適合小學生就讀的「A+ 奧數課程」外,教室更首設「幼兒奧數課程」!「幼兒奧數課程」專為4-5歲的學前兒童而設,課程透過活潑有趣的遊戲和活動,再配合不同教具教授學生對運算及其概念的掌握,並學習邏輯概念的運用,適合對數學有濃厚興趣及天分的學生報讀。新生於優惠期間報讀 MathConcept 課程,即可享以下優惠:
- 贈送小學數學的常犯錯誤 (價值$148)
- 贈送2018-19學年月曆(價值$100)
- 免費專業評估 (價值$200)
- 豁免首次報名費 (價值$100)
- 報讀即送$800奧數證書課程學費禮券
電話:+852 2169 3809 [按此致電]
Whatsapp:+852 5400 9044 [按此查詢]
地址: 荃灣青山公路 264 - 298 號南豐中心 6 樓 628 室 (荃灣站A出口)
* 贈品數量有限,送完即止。
* 以上所有優惠只適用於奧數思維教室(荃灣),優惠期有限,不可與其他優惠同時使用,並受個別分校有關條款及細則約束,詳情請向分校職員查詢。
* 本校保留隨時更改或終止上述優惠及更改上述任何條款及細則之權利。
- Date: 2018-06-01
【奧數=好深奧的數學? 】
1. 激發學生對數學的興趣。
2. 培養學生的數學基本功,為以後學習更複雜的數學內容打好基礎。
3. 訓練學生的數學思維習慣和多角度解難能力。
奧數的學習非常著重思維訓練,要求學生以多角度、不同方法去解答問題。香港學生常常被考試為本的學習模式所限,往往求「標準答案」,久而久之形成了「用標準的方法解答問題」的僵化思考習慣。一旦題目出現小小的變化,學生便覺得「未教過」,束手無策。學習奧數正正是要學生跳出學習的舒適區(Comfort zone),培養學生成為具多角度思維能力的人才。
【全新】MathConcept Olympiad Academy 奧數思維教室 現已開幕!
電話:+852 2169 3809 [按此致電]
Whatsapp:+852 5400 9044 [按此查詢]
地址: 荃灣青山公路 264 - 298 號南豐中心 6 樓 628 室 (荃灣站A出口)
- Date: 2018-05-31
2018 New Center Promotion (HK)
To celebrate the grand opening of Westwood center, Tai Wai center, Taipo center and Fanling center, these centers are offering the following for new enrollments during the promotion period:
- Free copy of Common Mistakes in Primary Mathematics ($148)
- Free Diagnostic Assessment ($200)
- Registration Fee Waived ($100)
- Summer Regular Course
- First Month Free!#1
- MO Summer Course
- Receive $1,200 Coupon upon enrollment
- Extra $200 off when your child is enrolled in both Summer Regular Course and MO Summer Course during promotional period.
Call a center or download our brochure for more details now!
Westwood Center (Promotion ended on 15th June 2018)
Address: Shop 106A, The Westwood, 8 Belchers St., Hong Kong.
Telephone: +852 2152 0039
Taipo Center
Address: Shop 52, 2/F, Tai Po Plaza, 1 On Tai Road, Tai Po, New Territories.
Telephone: +852 2386 6788
Tai Wai Center
Address: G/F, 208 Tin Sum Village, Tai Wai, Sha Tin, NT.
Telephone: +852 2388 8498
Fanling Center
Address: Shop 104B, 1/F Dawning Views, 23 Yat Ming Rd, Fanling, NT.
Opening Date: 9th June 2018
Telephone: +852 2778 3818
#1 4 regular classes (1 hour each) for free, upon enrolling in 8 or more regular classes(1 hour each) at original price.
#2 "Summer discounted price" is valid from 1st May 2018 to 31st July 2018.
#3 "Early Bird" offer is valid from 1st May 2018 to 30th June 2018.
#4 All classes enrolled using "summer discounted price" or "early bird offer" have to be completed between 1st July 2018 and 31st August 2018.
* Free gifts are limited in stock, first come first served.
* This offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotions/ offers /coupons.
* The above offers are only applicable in Westwood, Tai Wai, Taipo and Fanling centers, subject to each center's relevant terms and conditions. For details, please contact the staff of MathConcept Learning Center.
* MathConcept reserves the right to amend the important notes, terms and conditions or any other contents at any time and we may change the above offer at our discretion from time to time without any notice.
Other MathConcept Learning Centers are also offering Summer Promotion (saves up to $2,750!), please click HERE for more details.
Last Update: 4:00PM, 22/6/2018
- Date: 2018-04-21
Macau Campo Center is now open!
To celebrate the grand opening of MathConcept's second center in Macau, Campo center is offering Free Diagnostic Assessment for newcomers during their promotion period. Call them now for more details!
Tel: +853 2859 5230
Address: Rua Formosa No. 21-B, Yi Mei R/A, Macau
* The above offers are subject to each center's relevant terms and conditions. For details, please contact the staff of MathConcept Learning Center.
* MathConcept reserves the right to amend the important notes, terms and conditions or any other contents at any time and we may change the above offer at our discretion from time to time without any notice.
*Updated on 1st June 2018
- Date: 2018-04-01
Richmond (CA) Center is Now Open
To celebrate the grand opening of Richmond center, the center is offering the following for new enrollments during the promotion period:
- Free copy of Common Mistakes in Primary Mathematics (CAD$ 25)
- Free Diagnostic Assessment (CAD$ 30)
- Registration Fee Waived (CAD$ 20)
- First Month Free!#1
K1 ~ G7 |
G8 ~ G10 |
G11 ~ G12 |
Class |
8 |
8 |
8 |
Course Fee |
CAD$ 440 |
CAD$ 480 |
CAD$ 528 |
Call us for more details now!
Richmond Center
Telephone: +852 2152 0039
Address: 1150 – 8260 Westminster Hwy, Richmond, BC, V6X 3Y2
#1 4 regular classes (1.5 hour each) for free, upon enrolling in 8 or more regular classes(1.5 hour each).
* Free gifts are limited in stock, first come first served.
* The above offers are only applicable in Richmond center, subject to each center's relevant terms and conditions. For details, please contact the staff of MathConcept Learning Center.
* This offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotions/ offers /coupons.
* MathConcept reserves the right to amend the important notes, terms and conditions or any other contents at any time and we may change the above offer at our discretion from time to time without any notice.
- Date: 2018-03-01
School Calendar 2018
- Date: 2018-01-01
2017 Back to School Promotion (Ended)
Get yourself prepared for the upcoming new school year by joinning MathConcept! We are offering the following for new enrollments during the promotion period:
- Free copy of Common Mistakes in Primary Mathematics ($148)
- Free Assessment
- Free Registration Fee
- Regular Course – Receive $300 Coupon
- MO Summer Course – Receive $800 Coupon
*Not applicable to MathConcept Learning Center (Central).
*This promotion ends on 30th September 2017. MathConcept reserves the right to amend the important notes, terms and conditions or any other contents at any time and we may change the above offer at our discretion from time to time without any notice. In case of any dispute, MathConcept's decision shall be final and conclusive.
*Free gifts are limited in stock, first come first served.
*The above offers are subject to each center's relevant terms and conditions. For details, please contact the staff of MathConcept Learning Center.
To celebrate the grand opening of Causeway Bay center, Wong Tai Sin center, Chai Wan center and Tuen Mun center, these centers are offering First Month Free for new enrollments during the promotion period, please click HERE for more details.
- Date: 2017-07-31
2017 Grand Opening Promotion (Ended)
To celebrate the grand opening of Causeway Bay center, Wong Tai Sin center, Chai Wan center and Tuen Mun center, these centers are offering the following for new enrollments during the promotion period:
- Regular Course – First Month Free!
- Free copy of Common Mistakes in Primary Mathematics($148) + MathStack($198)
- Free Assessment
- Free Registration Fee
- MO Elementary Course – Receive $800 Coupon
+852 2760 0001
Shop 204, 2/F, 68 Yee Wo Street, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong.
+852 2778 2326 (Closes on Monday)
Shop 151, 1/F, Tuen Mun Parklane Square, 2 Tuen Hi Road, Tuen Mun, NT<
+852 2359 9935
Unit 329, 3/F, Youth Square, 238 Chai Wan Road, Chai Wan
+852 2833 5744 (Closes on Monday)
Shop 118, 1/F, Lions Rise Mall, 8 Muk Lun Street, Wong Tai Sin, Kowloon
*Free gifts are limited in stock, first come first served.
*The above offers are subject to each center's relevant terms and conditions. For details, please contact the staff of MathConcept Learning Center.
*MathConcept reserves the right to amend the important notes, terms and conditions or any other contents at any time and we may change the above offer at our discretion from time to time without any notice. In case of any dispute,MathConcept's decision shall be final and conclusive.
- Date: 2017-07-30
2017 EMO Timetable
- Date: 2017-07-29
2017 SMO Timetable
- Date: 2017-04-13
Hong Kong Emerging Service Brand
MathConcept has been crowned 「Hong Kong Emerging Service Brand」 in the Hong Kong Emerging Service Brand Awards 2016!
Ms Cary Cheung, COO of MathConcept Edcuation, has attended 2016 Brand Election Award Presentation Ceremony and Celebration Dinner which organized by the Hong Kong Brand Development Council and the Chinese Manufacturers' Association of Hong Kong. MathConcept is greatly honoured and will continually strive to surpass parents and students' expectations, and at the same time, uphold our brand promise in spreading Connect Math with Concept to more students in the region.
- Date: 2017-03-01
School Calendar 2017
- Date: 2017-01-01
A+ MO Timetable 2016
- Date: 2016-07-31
Q1. 在間隔中分別填上 1 至 7 ,使每個圓圈內數字的和都相等。
答案: 7+4+1+2 = 5+2+1+6 = 3+6+1+4 = 14
Q2. 圖中兩個邊長為5厘米的正方形部分重合,重合部分的面積是陰影部分的面積的9分之1,陰影部分的面積是多少平方厘米?
答案: 450/11 平方厘米
Q3. 圖中ABCD、EFGH、IDJK都是邊長為12cm的正方形。其中D 是EFGH的中點。求陰影部分 [CFK] 的面積。
答案: 108 平方厘米
Q4. 圖中長方形內的數值代表該面積,求未知。
答案: 270 平方厘米
Q5. 有一缸水,如果貓和狗一起喝,15 天後便喝完;如果貓先喝12 天,之後貓
和狗一起喝,再過13 天後便喝完。如果只由狗喝,問牠要喝多少天才能完這
答案: 18天
最新2016-17年度 A+奧數(基礎)課程時間現已出爐(按此下載)! 新生於優惠期間報讀A+奧數課程,即可享以下優惠:
- 免費贈送小學數學的常犯錯誤(價值$148) + MathStack(價值$198)
- 免費專業評估
- 豁免首次報名費
- A+奧數 送$800禮券
- Date: 2016-07-13
Quick Test Answer
Check your quick test answers here.
- Date: 2016-04-20
Hong Kong Famous Brands Award
MathConcept Education has received the "Hong Kong Famous Brands Award" presented by the Asia Brand Development Association (ABDA), in recognition of its outstanding achievements in the areas of brand development, community engagement and market popularity.
The ABDA introduced the "Hong Kong Famous Brands Award" in 2013 with an aim to motivate brand development in Hong Kong and recognize corporations with outstanding brand development. Comprised of different professionals, groups and celebrities, the judging panel would assess the participating companies' corporate brand image, popularity and brand-building strategies. Public can also vote for their favorite brands, making the award highly credible.
MathConcept Education's COO is honored to have received the award, “This award reflects parents’ and students’ recognition of the company's quality service and engagement. The award encourages us to move forward, so that we are more confident to step our foot in the international market (Macau and Singapore) in the coming year. In return to the communities’ support, MathConcept will continue to live its brand promise in spreading Connect Math with Concept to more students in the region.”
- Date: 2016-04-07
MathConcept hosts MathConceptition 2016
Organized by MathConcept Education, MathConceptition 2016 was held today (4th April) at Kowloonbay International Trade & Exhibition Centre. The aim of this competition is to provides an opportunity for students to challenge their skills with other mathematically gifted young people in the region and offers a chance for them to compete for championship.
After an intense preliminary round, a total of 1,170 kindergarten and primary school students from all over the regions of Hong Kong made it to the finals. Participants are separated into eight different groups according to their year of birth.
All final round participants should receive their results via mail in the first half of May 2016, winner list will also be annouced on MathConceptition’s website (www.mathconceptition.com).
More photos: http://bit.ly/23J8aQJ
- Date: 2016-04-04
Super Parents Super Brand Award 2016
MathConcept Education has received the "Super Brand Award 2016" presented by Eugene Group's Super Parents Magazine.
- Date: 2016-02-19
Smart Parents' Choice - Brand Award 2015
MathConcept榮獲2015年度家長最愛品牌綜合 — 幼兒教育大奬!
首席營運總監表示:「非常榮幸獲得親子王頒發的家庭最愛品牌綜合 — 幼兒教育大奬!這奬項代表着家長對MathConcept團隊的支持及追求卓越教學品質的認可。同時感激導師們一路以來的努力,我們將致力堅守的教學理念Connect Math with Concept,吸引更多孩子學習數學,為他們奠定一個穩健的數學根基。」
- Date: 2015-12-31
新學年即將來臨, MathConcept 將為莘莘學子免費提供「新學年數學評估」乙次(價值$200),家長可即時取得專業評估報告,全面了解孩子的學習狀況,在新學年中取得更好的成績!
- Date: 0000-00-00